Historical Products Catalogue

We're pleased to offer a selection of items, some practical, some educational, but all guaranteed to increase your appreciation for, and enhance your pride in our rich and wonderful history! Perfect to give as gifts, or as a treat for yourself.

If you would like to order any of these classic, one-of-a-kind Briarcliff products, either download the order form and follow instructions at the end of the form, or call us at 914-941-4393, leave your order on the message machine and include your phone number. For mailed orders, we prefer a check. For phoned orders, we’ll be happy to pick up a check when we deliver your goods.


Souvenirs and Mementos from the 1908 Briarcliff Road Race Centennial Celebration

The Society still has a few items remaining from the October 18th, 2008 celebration of the original open road race run 100 years ago over a 30 mile course, which started and finished in the Village.


1.) Changing Landscape- Mary Cheever’s delightful 1990 community history. A delightful, warm, humorous, authentic account of growth, change and evolution of our community’s character. 258 hard-cover pages, dust jacket.

$30. x Qty.____= $____


2. Family Album– Nearly 100 pages that celebrate a century in our Village and feature ideas, memories and pictures from scores of Briarcliff citizens; a living history of this very special community and a perfect keepsake.

$20. x Qty.____= $____


3. Briarcliff/Scarborough: Then and Now Coloring Book– A 32-page historical record of our Village’s most interesting buildings, events and sites, with detailed captions, created by BHS art students. Fun for the family.

$8. x Qty.____= $____


4. BMSHS “Make History”
Tote Bag– Attractive, roomy 14 1/2” x 12 1/2”, with 6 1/2”-square side pocket for papers; top snap keeps things secure. Rugged enough for groceries, tools, and toys. Take it anywhere.

$11. x Qty.____= $____


5. Briarcliff Centennial Afghan– A history lesson, comforter, wall hanging and conversation piece all-in-one. This woven 46 x 60” tapestry will lend a special touch to any Village home. Built to last well into our second century.

$35. x Qty.____= $____


6.“Explore Briarcliff Manor” Map & Driving Tour– A history lesson and beautifully-illustrated color map guides you point-by-point through the Village. Fits in glove compartment; opens to 16” X 27”. (Call for quantity prices)

$1. x Qty.____= $____


7. 2002 Centennial Cookbook
Nineteen categories of yummy dishes from 100-plus contributors on 200-plus spiral-bound pages Complete recipe index, plastic covers and room for your own notes, plus colorful illustrations.

$15. x Qty.____= $____


8. Briarcliff Lodge Book– Rob Yasinsac’s definitive volume of this storied resort hotel. 128 pages of compelling photos, stories of luminaries and facts about a treasured landmark, from its 1902 opening to its tragic 2004 fire.

$20. x Qty.____= $____


9. Centennial Mugs– Large plastic travel mug for hot or cold beverages; or handsome ceramic coffee mug. Both with Briarcliff’s Centennial logo. (Call for quantity prices on both items)
Travel Mug $3. x Qty.____= $____
Ceramic Mug $4. x Qty.____= $____


10. Centennial T-Shirt– Light gray heavyweight short-sleeve, ultra-cotton by Gildan in Small, Medium, Extra Large, with Centennial logo in green. Perfect for workout, or ball games. (Limited quantities.)

$7. x Qty.____= $____


11. Centennial Pillow– Riddle & Cockrell-designed 100%-cotton front panel with Briarcliff coat-of-arms. Cotton and poly back and poly fill. USA-made; 13” x 13” x 6”. Brightens up any room. (Limited quantities.)

$15. x Qty.____= $____


12. Letter Opener– Handy, convenient and easy-to-use. Refrigerator magnet on back means you’ll never lose it. If your order is $25 or more, we’ll include one as a gift.

$1. x Qty.____= $____


Please send this Order Form, a copy or handwritten order, with your
Name___________________________ Address_____________________________

City_________________________ State_____ Zip______ Phone________________

and check for Total of Order $_________ Payable to “BMSHS”, at:
Briarcliff Manor/Scarborough Historical Society, Box 11, Briarcliff Manor NY 10510.
We will call you shortly about delivery of your order. If you have comments or questions,
or for more information, please call us at (914) 941-4393. Thanks very much.
